Xircus, Creation of Innovative Multi-Chain NFT and Marketplace
Cryptocurrencies are gaining popularity much faster than expected. The crypto industry has grown and developed significantly. One of the most recent and significant advances in the world of Cryptocurrency is A Non-Fungible Token (NFT). The privilege of non-fungible tokens revolves around three concepts, namely Unique, Rare & Indivisible. NFT sales volume skyrocketed to $2.5 billion in the first half of 2021, the top NFT market has witnessed billions of trades, to facilitate this increasing demand, the NFT market is growing competition. The current traditional or first generation NFT market is not a fully proven solution. This marketplace is centralized and content creators, artists depend on this marketplace to list their art. This is where Xircus comes in.
Xircus Ecosystem (Review) Xircus is the world's first multi-chain gamified DAO platform that allows users to create and deploy custom NFT marketplaces. In a few easy steps, Xircus users can create and launch a personalized NFT trading platform for free. The idea behind Xircus is to create the ultimate solution that empowers individual artists, influencers and collectors, by giving them the control that comes with the power to create their own NFT marketplace. Powerful, unique and automated tools that empower artists, influencers, content creators, collectors and brands by enabling them to create personalized NFT marketplaces. It is an easy, secure, time efficient and cost effective way to develop a private marketplace for your NFT. Xircus is the first marketplace that allows users to create their own marketplace without any control over their data. On the Xircus platform, content creators have absolute control — they can also add custom features to their NFT marketplace ecosystem and decide on NFT pricing and payment terms. The project is tested and ready to run, no need to wait for testnet or mainnet. The platform has a native currency that has various utilities in the Xircus ecosystem. It also features a Defi powered token economy with rewards. Xircus supports multi-chain deployments to various blockchain protocols such as Polkadot, Solana, flow, and other EVM compatible blockchains.
Xircus Platform Features
Deploy in Minutes — No development experience required to deploy your own NFT marketplace where makers and collectors can buy and sell their NFT items More cost-effective technology — Building and securing technology infrastructure is expensive, time-consuming and messy if not done right. Building complex smart contracts can also add to the cost. Xircus has just made it available to you. Start Local Earn Global — Grow your market locally with global reach, Xircus helps cross-promote with other markets to introduce culture and creativity from different countries and regions Your Own Ecosystem — Deploy your community's NFT marketplace locally and welcome creators and collectors from your community, other NFT marketplaces, and from the world.
Watch a short video on How to use the NFT marketplace
Why Does Xircus Stand Out?
Privacy First Authentication — Xircus developed its own Authentication API so users can easily log in anonymously using a unique nonce encrypted by the wallet. Better Infrastructure — Xircus builds high-speed infrastructure and dedicated servers capable of handling millions or even tens of millions of requests per minute. Xircus added a cloud firewall to ensure that illegal DDOS attacks can be blocked instantly. Developer Friendly — Xircusa is building a frontend library to integrate with the existing codebase in React, NextJS, Vue, and Angular. And added support for e-commerce systems like Shopify, Magento, and Woocommerce.
Benefits If you join xircus
ALIVE Good events ensure gatherings and bring people together. We can also do this at digital live events. The technical possibilities of the xircus ensure a lively connection between the audience and the actors.
INTERACTIVE We focus on people and their exchange with each other, also in the digital world. All participants are also contributors. For example, speakers have the opportunity to bring interested parties from the audience onto the digital stage and speak to them.
INTUITIVE Xircus is intuitive to use and very easy. It works without instructions and without waiting.
RELIABLE PLANNING Every event requires financial and human resource costs. Xircus uses the right tools and formats required for each event and makes the event 100 percent reliable for the organizers.
PERSONAL The bigger the digital event, the more confusing it gets. Xircus provides orientation and, with the help of intelligent matchmaking, leads each participant to the content and people they are interested in.
FREE At xircus, all visitors can move freely through the platform and decide for themselves which content they want to see.
Smart contract Q1 2021
Wallet integration
DeFi Features
Integrated stablecoins
DAO governance
Decentralized market
Functional prototype
Q2 2021 Xircus DeFi token
XMT token for market
Cross-chain integration
Market developer
Stats spreader
ERC721 collection spreader
ERC1155 collection spreader
Subdomain terms via xircusnft.com
Core platform complete
Testnet launch
Launch pad creation
Q3 2021 — Phase 1.0 ( public soft launch ) Xircus 1.0 (Binance Smart Chain) First user orientation 3 token sale stages Mainnet launch Music features for music-related markets Features for influencers Initial Dex Offering (IDO) Graphics protocol integration for faster graph queries 500 ringmaster and dApps orientation Completed EVM compatible blockchain integration Completed custom collection spreaders and contracts Expandable Music UI and Sports UI Themes
Q4 2021-2.0 Wasm contract creation stage for Solana, Flow and Near Xircus mobile app (iOS + Android) releases V1 with crypto wallet and AR features Xircus NFT TV App Onboarding 2500 RingMasters Cross-promotes market More market themes
Behind every success of the Project is a dedicated, experienced and intelligent team of elites. The team are the best individuals who always work hard to get the best Xircus and users.
Xircus comes as a platform that allows users to deploy the NFT costume marketplace without the need to write any code or any experience, users can deploy their own marketplace in just a few steps. In this way, Xircus can empower artists, influencers, content creators, collectors, and brands who want to use their own NFT marketplace and help them regain their right to fully monetize their content without any third party fees.
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