Digital money is taking over the control of the online market and is spreading very fast and consistently presenting new monetary forms/coins. Blockchain is a technology used to enhance cryptographic money and Blockchain is an advanced data collection of exchanges over the web identified with digital currencies. Blockchain contains all the records of crypto exchanges that occur over the web and contains information in Block type, and every time new data enters the framework, another Block is created for it. The most famous and well-known crypto coins are Ethereum and Bitcoin, created using Blockchain technology.
What is TruePlay Technology?
TruePlay is seen as a trust control framework that relies on Blockchain technology to provide fair, correct and safe gaming outcomes. TruePlay with Blockchain fusion provides an opportunity to control the flow of money and try to provide legitimate and direct consequences of the many relative games that bring every gambling club under the stage.
What is FairSpin/
Fairspin is an online club platform that combines exemplary gaming information with Blockchain Technology for transparency of game information from top suppliers like, NetEnt, Microgaming and so on. This is possible due to TruePlay technology. In 2019, Fairspin players won over 46,500 ETH. Fairspin also known as Fairplay was named a rising star by the EGR Operator Awards and SBC Awards.
Fairspin is the most famous gambling club which shows game details like shop, payout, real win speed of each game introduced on the site, all successes and misfortunes and calculates the real value, free and every exchange can be followed via Etherscan.
What are TFS Tokens?
The TFS token is an advanced cash/coin presented by that will be used as an elective installment strategy in Fairspin stages and will also replace's current dependency program as stage clients can move, withdraw or trade TFS for fiat at any time.
The TFS token is an ERC-20 token and allows the remaining tokens for its clients. Towards the end of each playing day, clients will be awarded TFS tokens. TFS is a deflationary token and has a limited inventory with month to month repurchases (platforms buy their own coins to keep up with value strength and to stop a decline in value) including where certain token levels are removed from the stream.
Benefits of TFS Token
Players can get TFS Tokens just by playing FAIRSPIN and holders can also add TFS Tokens by staking the Game which is very stable for players and investors. Only by staking your TFS Tokens you are entitled to double all your tokens. and as a reward for players and investors who can bet more than 37.5%/year, for me this is a very fair and profitable bet,. and for prizes your TFS Tokens will be directly credited to your account after you place or bet. You can exchange the results on Uniswap.
Token Allocation
Token allocation is divided into 4 stages:
Stage 1
Distribution of TFS will begin with 3 rounds of Private Sale, Pre-Sale and Dutch Auction with a limited supply of 15 million tokens listed for sale.
Token price on each round will be set at:
0.1$ for Private Round
0.15$ for Pre-Sale Round
At Dutch Auction prices start at $1 with $0.2 as reserve price.
Stage 2
After the token sale is completed, the pool of 10–20% of tokens sold at auction will be transferred to Uniswap with the final auction price increasing by 50–100%.
Stage 3
The token staking program is opened via the FairSpin dashboard where you can store your tokens for profit
Betting options
1 day — 1% prize pool from FairSpin GGR
3 days — 3% prize pool from FairSpin GGR
7 days — 8% prize pool from FairSpin GGR
Stage 4:
The token distribution program will be announced with limited emissions up to 20% instantly and 2% weekly, which users can claim at any time.
TFS is a digital currency that will serve as an alternative payment method within the platform and will open up new opportunities to reward players for actively playing and using TFS tokens within and beyond the boundaries of the platform. Our partnership with TruePlay has helped us mark our loyalty program as well as introduce new features to the platform that will attract new users globally. We are excited to invite you all on this journey with us and lead the way towards the future of Fairspin crypto. I also believe that this project can achieve great success in the future.
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Asclepius-Netzwerk verbesserte Bedienbarkeit elektronischer Patientenakten Grüße an alle Liebhaber der Kryptowährung, dieses Mal werden wir über die medizinische Welt sprechen. außergewöhnliche leistungen als neues unternehmen mit blockchain-technologie. In diesem Artikel werden drei Patente vorgestellt, die sich auf die Sammlung medizinischen Wissens beziehen. In der heutigen Medizin sehen wir Ungleichheit in der medizinischen Versorgung nach Regionen und Wohlstand. Einerseits erleben wir die rasante Entwicklung der medizinischen Versorgung, die durch stetige Fortschritte und Entdeckungen in medizinischen Bereichen wie künstliche Intelligenz und Omics unterstützt wird. Auf der anderen Seite können wir nicht die Tatsache ignorieren, dass eine große Anzahl von Menschen in vielen Teilen der Welt Schwierigkeiten hat, eine medizinische Grundversorgung zu erhalten, geschweige denn genetisch bedingte Einzelmedikamente. Wir möchten Teil der Bemühungen sein, d...
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