very interesting manifestation of many non-standard ideas, The Asla project offers trading opportunities on the platform, on trading, it will only get a prize. This can be a trading terminal, the essence of betting on the trend value in the ratio of pairs. Sarif got a benefit, he could recover Asla, after which he could agree to it. After finishing the tokens, Sarif made profit every day and more tokens. The Asla project is a decentralized platform that helps make the world easier. The cryptocurrency world has grown exponentially and issued cryptocurrencies, So in the future, everything will be found in digital currencies very soon. Hence, a new era of digital currency is being introduced for ASL. Asla is a decentralized trading platform based on blockchain and smart contracts. Population token is ASLA Token (Main Token) while Agha token is minor. ALSA tokens are cryptocurrencies or currencies that do not have a physical appearance, such as cry...